Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We had a birthday party for Kait on Sunday evening.  For the first few years of the kids' lives, I was a store bought cake kinda girl.  The easier the better.  I didn't want the mess or the hassle...just order it and be done with it.  After Dan lost his job that changed.  I couldn't justify spending that kind of money on a cake, but still wanted their big day to be special.

I was going to go the store bought cake route this year for Kait.  One day at work, I started looking around online for ideas and came across the rainbow cake idea.  It looked fantastic and I was set on doing one, no matter how hard or how long it took.

I was exhausted on Saturday after coming home from work, but for some reason thought that making a cake would be relaxing...ha, maybe if I was a pro.  I won't lie, this cake was difficult...but it happens to be the first layer cake that I have ever made...and it had six layers.

I mixed up the cake from scratch and then separated it in to six individual bowls so I could color each one.  I had to bake two layers at a time because I only have two cake pans.  Stacking the layers was a little stressful and around the four layer mark I just felt like picking up the whole cake and throwing it against the wall...but luckily my husband came home and talked me down.  I mixed up the frosting from scratch, got it all frosted, and was so pleased with the outside...hoping that the inside would be equally beautiful.

It came time for cake on Sunday evening...it was the moment I had been anticipating for around 26 hours at that point.  I cut in to it and sliced out the first piece and it was what I was hoping for.  It was beautiful and I was happy that my Princess thought her birthday cake was pretty neat.

Layer cakes?  Yeah, I think I might be taking up a new hobby.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Celebrating Seven

 A few minutes after waking up it was time to start the birthday festivities...messy hair and all!

 Looking forward to watching these with my Princess!

 A Penbo...she's been asking for one of these and was so excited that she got it!

 Her ATM...she is obsessed with it now and had fun depositing all of her birthday cash.

 All ready for school in her princess dress, posing by some of her loot.

 Buttery, buttery toast for breakfast...her favorite.

 I went up to her school and brought icecream sandwiches for her class...she was loving all the attention.

 For dinner, she chose Applebees.  The first one we tried had been shut down and so we drove out of our way because she was set on having Applebees for her birthday dinner.  She was thrilled when they brought her a big sundae after her meal!

Just so happened that Grandpa was in the area and was able to surprise her and meet us for dinner...it was special for her.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Traditional Blankies

This morning, K's eyes popped open and she immediately said, "One more day until my birthday!  I never thought this day would come.  I thought I would be six forever."

Six forever?  Now, that might make this mama pretty happy.  Seven just sounds a little too old.

So, tonight, as we count down the hours until our Princess turns seven we had our traditional pigs in a blanket for dinner.  It's the last meal I ate before she came in to the world.

Tomorrow will be filled with excitement, cards, presents, treats to school, birthday dinner, cupcakes, and looking forward to her birthday party this weekend.  In the midst of all the business, I am sure I will be taking a few "time outs" to whisper prayers of thanksgiving for these seven years God has given us with our first born...and praying for blessings upon her life and many more years to enjoy her.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Lot

So much has happened since the last time I was on here.  I have neglected this space of mine and intend to post more often, I really do.  So, for a quick run down to get all caught up:

 - Kaitlyn lost her second tooth less than a week after her first.  After a traumatic (for Mom) first attempt to get it out in the morning before school, she pulled it out herself upon returning home in the afternoon.  Mom slammed the door...a string tied from the knob to her tooth...and the tooth stayed and just caused a big mess of blood.  I have vowed never to pull another tooth.  That's now Daddy's job...I just take the pictures.

 - I had the worst Mother's Day to date...many things factoring in.  My husband did his best to make the day special complete with a few surprises and a bunch of tulips, but by that time the damage had been done.  The decision was made to ban the holiday from this house...which might have been a bit too drastic.

 - Our pup, Zoey, has grown leaps and bounds in these past six months.  She is now over 50 pounds and the divider has been taken our of her kennel.  She had her first three mile run with me last Thursday.  She was a little tired out toward the end, but did great.

 - On May 15th, I ran my third half marathon.  You can read about it here.

 - Dan worked his first Friday in a few months last week.  I am so very, very thankful for the steady work that God has provided these past 10.5 months...and for my hard working husband.

 - I registered K and L for second and first grade, respectively.  The school year is almost over and I will be so happy to have all three home with me for two months.  They have both done extremely well in the dual language program.

 - My Middle Man surprised me and started reading some pretty big words.  A whole new world has opened to him and I am so very proud of him.  He attempts to read almost everything now...from street signs to labels...and him sounding out big words to spell is hilarious...too cute!  He has done so well for being such a young kindergartner.

 - My baby girl turns seven on Wednesday.  The boys couldn't wait to have her open her present from them and so they gave it to her early...which might become a tradition for them.  They were excited and she was overjoyed with what they got her. (And yes, C is in his underwear...it's hot here and we are not a fan of clothing in this house.)

Next post...of course...my Princess turning seven....

Monday, May 2, 2011


The subject of losing baby teeth has become a sore one in our home.  Mostly because my Middle Man lost his first tooth...and my Princess, being a whole year older, had not.  We kept telling her that her time would come...but we were getting a little worried ourselves.

Her two bottom teeth were getting a little loose and for the past week, all she did was wiggle them to try and loosen them up more.  By Thursday night, one of them was ready to come out.  She wanted to wait until the next morning to pull it...which I was bummed about because I had to work and knew I would miss it.

On Friday morning, I got an email from her at work saying that she had lost her tooth.  Daddy let her chose the method that it would come out...she chose to tie a string around it and then the other end to the door and slam the door.  I wish I would have been there, but I am glad that Dan didn't miss this moment.

Dan has become quite the tooth fairy in our house.  He has found a way to sneak the money ($2 for their first tooth...25 cents after that) under their pillow while kissing them goodnight.  Sneaky, sneaky.  Glad he has the part down because on Friday night, I didn't even remember that we needed two singles to give to her.

Both Princess and Middle Man have a few other teeth that should be ready to come out in the next month...can't wait to see them both with their snaggle toothed smile!