The first two months of 2013, we decided to foster a few puppies to help heal the hole that was left when Macy passed away in November 2012. We went to the shelter one night to wait for the transport with excitement. We were supposed to be fostering a little pup named Pancho. The transport came and there were two puppies in the van that weren't supposed to be on there. The shelter had no idea they were coming and nobody lined up to take them. They asked if we would be able to take two puppies instead of just one...and how could I say no to these faces. Ginger and Snap were tons of fun!
My husband knows me! For Valentine's day, these hot pink running shoes were waiting for me on the counter when I got up that morning. It was my first pair in almost a year. I would spend the rest of 2013 trying to recover from an injured hip and a mysterious illness. My racing season wasn't quite what I hoped it would be, but I am going in to 2014 with high hopes.
My three Valentine's Day cuties in their shirts that Gammy and Poppy sent them.
My hubby and I celebrated 10 years of marriage in March. This year taught me what a gem I have in him. He is truly a gift. We spent our anniversary in Michigan. My parents took the kids for the day and we were able to go see a movie and go out to dinner. Early the next morning, Collin got the stomach flu which put a cramp in our style for the rest of spring break. It was a wicked bug that took out every one of us but Dan.
On our way back from Michigan, we stopped to pick up our new addition. It was out of our way and a little tricky to accomplish with my little man sick with the stomach bug, but we arrived home with my Anniversary present with no regrets. He's the best anniversary gift I have been given...I wouldn't trade him for the world.
In April, Kaitlyn picked out Teddy. My little girl has such a love for animals. I am thankful for a husband that allows his little girl (and me too!) to enjoy having pets in our home.

One day after Dan's birthday and a week before mine, Collin jumped off of our deck and ended up breaking his leg. This was quite an experience and gave me a new found thankfulness for the health of my little family...and also a greater respect for parents of kid with physical handicaps...or really any medical condition. I spent the first few nights with him on the couch trying to keep him comfortable and listening to him scream out in pain. It was almost more than this Momma could take. I wanted to take this from him and prayed that God would give him comfort and peace. It broke my heart to watch him not be able to run and play with the other kids and see him get so frustrated when he couldn't do things for himself. His teachers at school were wonderful and I really am so thankful for all they did for him (and me). He spent about 5 weeks in his cast and another few weeks not being able to walk. We are so thankful that it wasn't worse and that he didn't end up needing any kind of physical therapy. We really hope he never jumps off the deck or anything else again...but if you know Collin, you know that's doubtful!

Kaitlyn celebrated her 9th birthday in May...she also got glasses this year. I am blown away that God has allowed me the gift of a daughter. She gets prettier with each passing year and never ceases to amaze me with how smart she is. I love her heart for animals, her spunk, her strong-will, and her determination. She is competitive and likes to be the best. She's growing like a weed and I can hardly believe she will be in double digits in no time.
After a rough start to his kindergarten year, Collin did adjust and actually excelled in his first year of school. With tears in my eyes, I watched my little man receive his medal for "graduating" kindergarten. I was one proud Mama.
The summer included several trips to Six Flags! Kaitlyn loves the roller coasters, Landon conquered his fears and rode a few rides for the first time this year, and Collin loves the water park.
In July, Dan took risk and accepted an offer at a new job. He is now a rental property inspector and loves his new line of work. It was an answer to prayer and has really been such a good thing for our family. He is able to be home more often, has a more flexible schedule, and can even work from home some days. It's so nice to see him leave the house in something other than nasty old clothes, work boots, and tool pouches.
Collin celebrated his sixth birthday at the beginning of August. He wasn't walking very well yet, but he enjoyed it all the same. He got a new bike and chose McDonalds for his birthday meal. I am thankful for the fun he brings to our little family. His imagination is incredible and the things that come out of his mouth are hilarious. He has a great sense of humor and is a go with the flow kind of guy. He is impulsive and creative and keeps me on my toes...and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
My Middle Man turned eight a few days after his little brother. My handsome boy chose Steak N Shake for his birthday meal and (just like his brother) got a new bike for his birthday. He brings the calm and reason to our family. He sees lessons in everything and his wheels are always turning. He can be more reserved than the other two, but get him alone and he will talk your ear off. He is loving and always puts others before himself. He is cautious but does like to have fun once he feels comfortable. I love his cuddles and the kind things he says...he truly is precious.

At the end of August, I got to check something off my bucket list...I got to run a race with my Dad. I wasn't feeling the greatest, but this was such a special race to me. I am so proud of both my Dad and my sister and thankful that we can share a love for running. My Dad ran a great race and it was so fun to cross the finish line and see both of them waiting with medals around their necks. I always enjoy running with them when we are all together and I am looking forward to running with these two this next year!
We finally started the renovations on our basement. It's been a long time coming! It's been fun to sit and watch my man at work and I have been amazed my his progress! Hopefully, in 2014, we will be finished and able to enjoy our new space!
After the unfortunate death of Teddy, my little girl was heartbroken. We had decided that it was best to give her heart a rest...but, I couldn't help myself. I surprised her with a new friend, Asia...a dwarf rabbit...who has been so much fun to have!
Days after the kids went back to school, I started a second job at a local orchard. I wondered if I would be able to wing it with my health concerns, but it was really a blessing. I loved working there every day, the people that I worked with, and the atmosphere. At the end of the season, they asked me to come back next year...of course I accepted. They handed out vouchers to all their employees and the kids and I were able to go pick apples for free. I am looking forward to spending the fall months of 2014 there again!
Halloween 2013 - even the dogs dressed up. :)
When I look at this picture I feel overwhelmed with how blessed we were this past year! Happy New Year everyone!