Yes, we are leash training our cat Curtis. He has been apart of our family now for a little over a year. He showed up last winter in our garage and out of the kindness of our hearts and a little begging (Dan gave in) we had him checked over, fixed, and brought into our home. My little princess will tell you that he is her best friend and there was even talk of marriage when he eventually "will turn into a people". So, when asked what she wanted for her 4th birthday coming up the end of May, she told me a stroller for Curtis. She has been wanting to take him outside with her for a while now. Well, they actually do make them, believe it or not. The cheapest being $39.99. Now, I know it's her birthday but I just don't know about a stroller for a cat. So, the next best thing is being able to walk him on a leash...right? He wasn't even supposed to be able to stand up the first day of our training session (3 x a day for 15 minutes each time). Well, by the second day he was walking around and seems to like it. We got some stares the other day when my little princess and I put him in the double jogger and I pushed him and my little girl down to the pond to walk around. C'mon people haven't you ever seen a cat in a stroller on a leash??!!
Rollin' Out
11 years ago
2 things to add:
I can't believe they make strollers for cats! That's funny!
Just don't read Pet Cemetery. Poor old Curtis might retaliate!
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