My princess was up this morning at quarter to three with an earache. I took her temp and she wasn't running one. She's been dealing with one sickness after another. I went back and forth with myself in my head about calling the hospital and telling them she wouldn't be in today. I ended up deciding to go ahead and take her in just in case. The end result: We are home, my princess is still sleeping, and she still has those pesky tonsils of hers. Yep, surgery was a no go today. They sent us home with instructions for her to get better and reschedule. I am all for the get better part. Not too thrilled about the whole reschedule...preparation and waiting. I had a good cry when we got back out to the parking lot and then again after I got my princess resting comfortably in her bed. I know it's God's perfect timing...and today just wasn't the day. This Mommy just wants her baby to finally feel good again.
Rollin' Out
11 years ago
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