My precious little girl (age 3) has been having trouble hearing. Two weeks ago we took a trip to our pediatrician to see what was going on. Her eardrum in her left ear was not vibrating at all and her right eardrum was slightly. Since that appointment, she has been on an antibiotic, a nose spray, and we've done a few ear candles. Last week we had a couple really good days where it seemed like her hearing was improving. Today has been a horrible day as far as her hearing goes. It's sad to me that she can't hear what is going on around her. I hope this isn't permanent. We have a follow up appointment next Tuesday where everything will be rechecked and a possible appointment will be scheduled with a ENT. We have a lot of people praying for my little princess and hopefully we will get to the bottom of this.
Rollin' Out
11 years ago
1 things to add:
Oh no Beth!! Praying for Kate as well!!!
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