Monday, April 21, 2008

Photo Boxes

I absolutely *love* photo boxes. I use them as memory boxes for my kids...a new one every year. I am a total saver and I hope someday they will appreciate how "on top" of things I was. Well, I know that at least my girl will be. So, my husband and I were at Menards this past weekend and what do I spot at the end of an boxes...cute ones too. So, after thinking about it for a second, I went over and looked. Turns out, they were $3.99 a piece and then you get a mail in rebate form. They are free! So, I got my limit of four and walked out of there so happy. If anyone loves photo boxes like I do or wants to make them into cute gifts for someone....hurry into Menards and pick up your limit.

P.S. I bought them with my rebate check and so they are actually paying me to buy them...makes me even happier. Now, on to filling them...that's another post.

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