We have been taking advantage of our library lately. The kids get so excited when we go. This past week, I tried to pick a few fall books out. I found two that had a pumpkin theme. This was by far my favorite: It's a great story about an old lady who doesn't like pumpkins because she was really poor growing up and it's basically all she ate. So, she vowed that she never wanted to see another pumpkin. One day, a pumpkin truck drives by and a huge pumpkin falls out of the truck on to her property. She freaks out and buries it. The next spring, the vine starts growing. She tries to kill it many times but just settles for looking the other way and even using another door in her house so she didn't have to walk by it. The plant got a little out of control while she was turning a blind eye and she had a ton of pumpkins. She decided to make the best of it and made pies, breads, and whatever else you can make with pumpkins. She was making it for other people. To draw attention to her baked goods, she carved faces in a few other pumpkins and set them out in front of her house. The people started coming and she was able to feed them all and decided pumpkins were okay and she was going to take a few left over seeds and plant them for next year.
I thought the book had a really good story that even I enjoyed. So, go find this book at your local library!! Happy reading with the kiddos!
Rollin' Out
11 years ago
1 things to add:
Sounds wonderful! I'll have to add this one to our reading list!
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