We made it through another day...
- I sold the toddler bed I had listed on craigslist! Just praying that my other stuff stops taking up space in our home soon.
- I was in need of some feminine products and emailed a friend on a whim. What do you know, she had a stash. She came bearing more than just pads today. It was incredible how God used her. I had to smile when I was going through everything because in there I found (among other things)the exact brand of pads I use, the exact deodorant I use, deodorant for my husband who has gone without for a day or two, and soap for my kiddos. My walmart gift card has been spared! Thanks Becki!
- I had a coupon to a local grocery store for milk. The sale price was $1.98 but that was with a $10 purchase. I really want to avoid all stores right now. It makes my stomach hurt to even think about going in there...big change for me, I know. I played around with the idea of going before nap but I didn't know when the people were coming to pick up the toddler bed. They came close to nap time so I just decided I would go after. We were walking to get the mail when I thought I saw a friend's car pulling up. I figured they had a L&F meeting. I said hi and they proceeded to tell me that they had some goodies for us. Guess what was among everything but a gallon of milk! Thank you Scott and Jori for not only driving out to Harvard, but for proving God to be faithful once again!
Today, during nap time, I got an urge to scrap what I was going to do during my quiet time and instead turn to Matthew 6: 24 - 7:15. I have read that countless times and also heard at least two sermons that I can remember on them. Today it was as if I was reading it for the first time. I am going to start reading that every day as a reminder.
Over the past two days, we have been blessed by people who could have benefited themselves by what they chose to give to us. Everytime I have been blown away by their sacrificial giving. I have seen God show up once again today. Blessed be the name of the Lord! God is good!
Rollin' Out
11 years ago
4 things to add:
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
Lamentations 3:23-26
You have very good spiritual life! Compare to me, I have to learn from you.
God Bless You,
Thank you, but my spiritual life is far from very good. It's only by God's grace and mercy and sacrifices of other people that we have made it through week one of my husband being unemployed. I am not just saying that either. It's the absolute truth...you should have seen me one week ago when I found out. I was a basketcase because I didn't have the faith that God could do what he has done in this past week. I now have to get up every morning and ask him to provide specific things for us this week instead of just thinking that I can go and get them because Dan has a paycheck coming in. I have a long way to go. :-)
Amazing how He is in the details!! I think we will all be able to give Him so much glory throughout your situation. It's almost even hard to believe that I had the exact *giggle* thing that you needed & that you felt comfortable enough to ask! Please let me know anything else you need help with shopping-wise or any other way for that matter :>)
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